What Is dictionary attack?
What is dictionary attack in hacking? Dictionary attacks are a very common attack in hacking and are also quite old. ok so the dictionary name is being used as a word list attack. using which hackers crack the password.
How Does Works
The hacker tries to crack the password using a word list. A text file containing millions of words such as commonly used words. The hacker has a tool through which he tries to check the dictionary words list one by one and if the password matches login password, it appears to be hacked. However, very few passwords are valid.
By using this, the WiFi password is hacked and the login password of any app or website site is also hacked. We did not understand you enough in these words.
It is avoidable becoming a victim of dictionary attack, just follow some steps while setting the password.
1 ) Use un spected word in password.
2 ) made combination of alphabets with number and symbol in password.
3 ) Memory the password.
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